Electronic Signature of documents

Advanced electronic signature of documents

Spairal offers you an advanced electronic signature solution that will allow you to send documents via email so that a third party can open them, review them and give their approval, leaving the document electronically signed.

Sign your documents with the same ease with which we sign paper documents.

Advanced, simple and secure electronic signature

Improve the service and cost of your administrative operations, introducing the electronic signature in your system.

Signature request

You will send a signature request.


With a single click, the document is signed.

Document storage

You can both access the signed document.

Our clients already use our advanced electronic signature solution in the following scenario:

  • Signing of contracts in digital format.
    The signing of contracts on paper is surpassed by the electronic signature. According to article 25 of EU Regulation 910/2014, a signature will not be denied value because it is electronic, and a qualified electronic signature is equivalent to a handwritten signature in all the countries of the European Union.
  • Signing of authorizations.


  • Administrative, management and printing savings that these bring.
  • Increase employee productivity and efficiency.
  • E-Archiving of legal documents.
  • Facilitates a "paperless" or "zero paper" environment.
  • You can sign any document in pdf format.
  • Ease of use for the user.
  • Ease of access to information.
  • Safety.

Advanced Electronic signature vs Ink Signature on Paper

In the event of a dispute, an ink-on-paper signature (known as a handwritten signature or holographic signature) may require the completion of an expert handwriting test that compares the disputed signature against several indisputable signatures. The advanced electronic signature is based on article 26 of the EU regulation 910/2014 (EIDAS) that links the signatory with what is signed in a context of electronic evidence.

In the event of a dispute, the electronic evidence must demonstrate the link between the signer and the signer and the identity of the signer.