Electronic Invoice

Electronic billing

Spairal offers you a global solution to deal with the use of electronic invoicing.

For this we take care of:

  • Adapting to the current legislation.
  • To offer you Spairal as a reliable technological solution.
  • Support and resolution of any problems that may arise.

We offer you:

  • Reception and verification of your invoices that come from any means.
  • Send invoices to private entities by different means: EDI network, AS2 mailbox, Secure FTP, Email, SMS...
  • Sending invoices to certain portals of private entities such as Indra and Mapfre.

How do I create it and how do I receive it

Spairal offers you multiple options to integrate your bills into your system.

In the event that you want to automate the process it is possible to perform an automatic integration with your ERP through different formats: Electronic invoice, EDIFACT, XML, TXT, iDOC, etc. At the same time we offer different ways to interconnect your systems to Spairal: Web Service, FTPs, EDI, AS2 spaces...

If you don't have the necessary technology you can generate them manually via the web using the web interface provided by Spairal.

Value added

In addition, Spairal offers you the following services:

  • Study of its problematic and feasible solutions.
  • Connection with other systems such as EDI, AS2, FTP, VPN ...
  • Invoice management
  • Complete traceability of invoices sent and received.
  • Integration with your ERP.


An electronic bill has the same legal validity and tax effects as a paper invoice.

  • Our systems meet the security policies specified by law.
  • Invoices are signed using a qualified certificate and validated. You can use your own certificate or perform the electronic signature by third parties.
  • The file (original and signed) is stored electronically in Spairal for at least, the 6 years indicated by the norm of the mercantile registry.
  • All of our Electronic Invoice solutions keep your invoices available on our platform (custody) for a period of six months without any additional charge.